Anyway, here are some highlights from this past week's eats. I hit up the grocery store again and bought another bunch of yummy, mostly organic goodies and stopped by the local farmer's market this morning for some other stuff. I swear I'll start bringing my camera around more...
In other news, I've been totally digging the weather lately. Quintessential crisp, brisk, red and orange and gold fall days with gorgeous blue skies and plenty of sunshine. Makes me want to break out the cinnamon and spices and eat sweet potatoes and squash. MMMMMM, love this season!!!
On to the eats!
Chilly weather calls for soup!
Also, picked up a lot of fruit and veggies this weekend including some peppers, apples, KIWIS and best of all, POMEGRANAATTEESSSSSSSSSS.
The past few days have been pretty boring food-wise. There's been a lot of continual snacking and not a lot of meal-type things. But then again, when is it not like that?
Bought this sweet potater at the farmer's market today. Cooked it up via MICROWAVE (thankfully didn't explode) and noshed. Sadly, NOT SWEET. My heart weeps - where are Asian yellow and purple sweet potatoes when you need them most?
In my quest for something sweet, a lot of this disappeared. :9
This has been a recent love of mine as well. Delicious and guilt-free!
And I've gone through 4 packs of these. Um...they don't call it Mary's Crack for nothing.
I crave INDIAN FOOD. I'm scared of what I would do to an Indian buffet right now. Paneer, come heeeeree.
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