Gonna eat a lot of PEACHES!
Anyway, our family members are all loyal white peach eaters so we were after the lovely white lady peaches, that have this amazing peachy floral aroma. We have this kinda crazy gene in our family that when we see fruit on trees, we start making involuntary grabby motions with our hands and foaming at the mouth. And then once we start pickin', we don't stop until we're forcibly put into a straight-jacket, blind-folded and removed from the farm quickly and efficiently. I kid you not.
So we picked a lot of peaches.
And I do mean a lot of peaches.
These photos still don't do our craziness full justice. We have something on the order of 150+ peaches chilling in our house right now. Did I also mention we're going back next weekend? Uh huh. Peach season is far from over.
We also got some beautiful and ridiculously sweet Japanese shiro plums.
And I totally went batshiz for these BLACKBERRIES!!! Just gawjuss!
Have you ever seen blackberry blossoms?
I'm in there somewhere.
Can't contain the crazy.
Yeah we got quite a bit of these too.
But wait, there's more! As if we'd pass up the opportunity to get all the super fresh produce we can. Hello, my favorite members of the solanaceae family!
Seriously, fruit have got to be some of the most beautiful things on this planet.
Last, but definitely not least, we got two of these babies. Overgrown babies. Ignore my messy house.
So, in conclusion, we have fruits and veggies coming out of our ears. If I've turned into a rabbit the next time you see me, please give me a loving home. If this is impossible, just promise me you'll use me to make the friggin most delicious batch of lapin a la cocotte known to mankind.
Until next time! Got a favorite recipe involving peaches or zucchini? Gimme a hollah!
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