After lunch, I was feeling bored and restless so I walked to Whole Foods. It took about an hour, but it was a gorgeous day outside so I quite enjoyed my little stroll. Plus, I would pretty much walk to the ends of the Earth for a WF so...anyway...
The goodies:
I've been very curious about Stevia for a while and thought I'd buy a little just to try out in baking and stuff. It seems a little too good to be true, right? But a lot of bloggies use it and swear by it so I figure it's gotta be pretty awesome.
I nibbled half a pistachio Larabar while waiting for my dad to pick me up. (Too lazy to walk all the way back toting groceries :p) After I got home, I also helped myself to a date which was pretty much like a piece of candy disguised as a fruit.
For dinner, I broke out the falafel burgers!!!! I popped a pattie into the microwave and it filled the house with a very spicy Middle Eastern smell. Mmmm.
With more hothot salsa and a side of cherry tomatoes. Yumsauce.
I nibbled half a pistachio Larabar while waiting for my dad to pick me up. (Too lazy to walk all the way back toting groceries :p) After I got home, I also helped myself to a date which was pretty much like a piece of candy disguised as a fruit.
For dinner, I broke out the falafel burgers!!!! I popped a pattie into the microwave and it filled the house with a very spicy Middle Eastern smell. Mmmm.
My sister kept sneaking bites off my plate. My dad wanted a whole patty for himself. Hmph! And to think they were all very critical and skeptical about my new healthy eating plans thinking I'd be eating nothing but lettuce all day...take that!
I'd been hankering for cold sweet fruit all day (we actually did not have a SINGLE piece of fruit in the house! Which is unthinkable considering we usually buy produce by the truckload) so you can imagine how happy I was when my mom brought peaches home. We had gone peach picking a few weeks ago for white peaches so I had basically been swimming in peachy goodness for a while. But the ones my mom brought home were yellow and soooooooo sooooo juicy. Not as sweet and fragrant as the white ones, but oh my god amazing. I devoured it too fast to take a photo...
And I was even happier when family friends brought these:
I'd been hankering for cold sweet fruit all day (we actually did not have a SINGLE piece of fruit in the house! Which is unthinkable considering we usually buy produce by the truckload) so you can imagine how happy I was when my mom brought peaches home. We had gone peach picking a few weeks ago for white peaches so I had basically been swimming in peachy goodness for a while. But the ones my mom brought home were yellow and soooooooo sooooo juicy. Not as sweet and fragrant as the white ones, but oh my god amazing. I devoured it too fast to take a photo...
And I was even happier when family friends brought these:
I was pretty much with fruitbaby for the rest of the night.
This morning started out with two pieces of Ezek each with a smear of NUTELLA (ella ella ey ey). God I love that stuff.
A little later, I polished off the leftover Lara from yesterday...

And then I set off to Michaels to do some arts and crafts shopping for a summer project for our design agency at school. Brings back memories of high school...
Naturally, since Michaels is right next to...dun dun dun, WHOLE FOODS, I was compelled to go again. I'm an addict, what can I say? Today's damage...
Lychee white tea, more grape tomatoes (they're on sale!!), coconut water, garden burgers, and fresh baked raisin challah bread for the fam
This morning started out with two pieces of Ezek each with a smear of NUTELLA (ella ella ey ey). God I love that stuff.
A little later, I polished off the leftover Lara from yesterday...
And then I set off to Michaels to do some arts and crafts shopping for a summer project for our design agency at school. Brings back memories of high school...
Naturally, since Michaels is right next to...dun dun dun, WHOLE FOODS, I was compelled to go again. I'm an addict, what can I say? Today's damage...
Unfortunately, the challah was not as soft and chewy as the kind I had bought previously :(. But at least it' And I dunno what it is about packaged coconut water, but it just doesn't taste like the stuff you get straight out of a coconut, even though it's supposed to be just that. Where is my coconutty flava??? WF, I will be back!!!
Lunch was a massive veggie plate with hummus and a wedge of sheep's milk cheese. It was surprisingly REALLY FILLING and I am now sitting here full and happy and eyeing my chocolate stash...huhuhu.
Lunch was a massive veggie plate with hummus and a wedge of sheep's milk cheese. It was surprisingly REALLY FILLING and I am now sitting here full and happy and eyeing my chocolate stash...huhuhu.
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