Short post for now, life's been freaking CRAZY. In a lot of ways, most of which are not academic ;).
Anyway, on a whim yesterday I trekked to the local health foods store, called the Whole Earth Center, which was basically heaven on earth. They had tons of organic local produce, food, bulk grains, nuts, a deli, bakery, etc. etc. Most of it was pretty overpriced but I picked up some deli goodies that looked particularly unique and yummy.
The goods: pepper and eggplant spread, mushroom nut pate, apricot orange rice pudding, and vegan coconut orbs. There was also an unpictured bag of mixed nuts.
Eggplant spread on cracker. This stuff is DELICIOUS; I started eating it straight out of the container with a spoon...
Mushroom nut pate on a cracker. Interesting flavor, subtle mushroomy nuttiness...
THESE ARE LITTLE BITES OF BLISS. Chewy soft nutty, datey, almond buttery outside with chocolate chips on the inside. YUMYUMYUM.I've been eating out a lot and forgetting my camera. Durrrrr, I need to get better at this thing...
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